Linux Programs by Tom Almy

These programs all all Freeware -- distribute them freely but don't sell them or claim them as your work. Most were written before "GPL" existed!

A major feature of all my programs is that I believe that "small is better." You will find these programs are all small yet efficient and surprisingly powerful. All of these programs should run on any Intel Pentium or equivalent Linux system and have been compiled for dynamically linked libraries using Mandrake 9.2 or 10.0. Source code is provided if you need it.

Most of these programs will be especially useful to the visually impaired.

[Linux Registered User #348955]

I'm late to the party!


It's taken over 40 years but it's finally available on my TECO page here! Like its more graphical successor EMACS, TECO is capable of editing Linux, DOS, or binary files. Because it's small, it's super fast as well! So toss out your GNU EMACS and your VIM too, and go with the best!


It took me long enough to do this port, since I had abandoned my work on XLISP-PLUS for over a decade. But I'm back in business. Visit the XLISP-PLUS page to download.


The world may be going to multimedia, but it seems there is always text file manipulation to do. These programs perform chores that I've often needed to do but existing programs haven't handled.

The Almy Utilities (10k) are a small set of filters which will add/remove tabs and leading spaces in files, and convert between DOS/Windows and Linux/Unix line terminations.

JUSTIFY (26k) will reformat text files. It will attempt to figure out the structure of the input file and produce structured output. Justify now has added features for EMAIL formatting. Comes with source code in C. Includes both Linux and DOS executables!

ReANSII (47k) converts among ANSI/Graphic, Avatar0+, RemoteAccess, Renegade, and WildCat! codes, and plain ASCII. This new version 1.4 will merge text files on graphic backgrounds files. Great for making display files printable. Comes with C source code. Includes both Linux and DOS executables!

UnHTML (24k) removes HTML and some SGML from text files, leaving the file good condition for formatting/viewing with a word processor or JUSTIFY. I wrote it to get public domain text files from Web pages and other sources where the markup is copyrighted. Comes with C source. Includes both Linux and DOS executables!


OK, so these are no DOOM or MYST clones. But then they will fit on a floppy with room to spare. LOTS of room to spare.

Jumble (tm) and Scrabble (tm) Assistants (335k because of dictionary size) consists of two programs, jelbum which solves the Jumble puzzles found in newspapers and online, and wordsin which finds all the words in a set of characters and is useful for Scrabble among other things. I wrote this program in 1989, and provide them here as compiled 11 years ago. They still run today, but the user interface is pretty poor. Maybe I'll write a new version in Java!

My Adventure (45k) is an interactive fiction text adventure that offers many puzzles and challenges. Comes with hint sheet.

Super Star Trek (75k), quite possibly the best of the "Star Trek" games from the 1970s. More information, including source code in C is here.

Dungeon Adventure (AKA "Zork") (197k), the big mainframe version of one of the first popular computer games of the late 1970s. More information is here.

Tom Almy
Last Modified January 2018

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