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These programs are provided in the ForthCMP 2.30s distribution. A similar set are provided with 2.2o.
BYTEBNCH.4TH Byte Magazine prime number bench mark program. DEFINING.4TH Defining word examples. DEMO.4TH General demo DRIVER.4TH Example DRIVER startup code and skeleton device driver FIND.4TH Search for string in files. HANOI.4TH Example program to do Tower of Hanoi puzzle. HANOIMT.4TH Multitasking, message passing version of Tower of Hanoi puzzle. IAGEBNCH.4TH Interface Age prime number bench mark program. INTERUPT.4TH Example of intercepting interrupts. KBDR.4TH Example TSR program. LIFE.4TH Conway's game of LIFE demo (IBM PC compatibles only). MTDEMO.4TH Multitasking demo (simple!) QUEENS.4TH Eight Queens puzzle solving program. SOKOBAN.4TH Sokoban game. TAIL.4TH Prints the last lines of a file. TR.4TH Character translation program. UNIQ.4TH Eliminates duplicate lines in ASCII files. UNLOAD.4TH Program to generate .HEX from .COM files. UNSCREEN.4TH Converts screen files to ASCII files. WC.4TH Character/word/line/page count program.
Tom Almy |
Last Modified March 6, 1998 |
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